I’m not sure that UK FTAs would be hard to escape if the UK wanted to rejoin the EU. Lost market access could presumably be paid off with TRQs - a trick the EU has perfected with each enlargement. As for regulatory commitments, are these really so different from the EU’s? You mention tariffs on data flows. But the EU does not want that either. The same goes for much else, I suspect. Then again, I have not done a full comparison so maybe there is something there.

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I don’t think existing FTAs cause a problem from a regulatory perspective (not the point I am making when referring to digital here; just that all trade commitments try to bind future governments).

So for example, while Aus/NZ cause a problem for customs union reintegration, not so for deeper U-EU regulatory alignment. On your point about EU paying off with TRQs … need to take into account the UK has just ultimately given Aus/NZ DFQF in sensitive areas.

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Right. But the same DFQF was bought off in 1973 (at least for NZ). It could presumably be done again. I’m not saying easy. But I can’t imagine it couldn’t be done. After all, WTO schedules were done and most people thought that impossible, or close to impossible.

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I think it would be more difficult this time! Although ... who knows. As I say, Aus/NZ aren’t quite the ratchet the US would be (if it ever happens).

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Speaking for myself, the UK left the Euro, it was all political, Whales and Ireland did not, the Brits deserve to suffer economically and as far as the Swiss go, cowards that they are, money hungry chocolate eating culture, did not fight in either World Wars just received the stolen rape and blunder of other countries ... who would want to support them in anything?

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