On the digital currency/trade, is the smart-contract stuff intrinsically different from just improving the existing systems to be more joined-up and require less mandatory human intervention? Currencies are of course already digital in the sense that no-one is physically moving a bunch of gold around anymore: the novelty is the decentralised ledger (who cares?) and contracts as code. But on that latter point, all code contains bugs, all datasets have errors, and (cf. point 3) I assume we still want legal oversight to happen... would conjoining currency and process really solve problems in the big picture, or just create a whole new set?
I suppose the appeal of running it though a currency is that the action is quite intuitive. The moment you buy something, all of the other stuff gets worked out. But fundamentally I agree with you -- the actual challenge is first improving and automating legacy systems, and while this can be done to a point, there is always going to be some need for human intervention.
On the digital currency/trade, is the smart-contract stuff intrinsically different from just improving the existing systems to be more joined-up and require less mandatory human intervention? Currencies are of course already digital in the sense that no-one is physically moving a bunch of gold around anymore: the novelty is the decentralised ledger (who cares?) and contracts as code. But on that latter point, all code contains bugs, all datasets have errors, and (cf. point 3) I assume we still want legal oversight to happen... would conjoining currency and process really solve problems in the big picture, or just create a whole new set?
I suppose the appeal of running it though a currency is that the action is quite intuitive. The moment you buy something, all of the other stuff gets worked out. But fundamentally I agree with you -- the actual challenge is first improving and automating legacy systems, and while this can be done to a point, there is always going to be some need for human intervention.